Welcome to the website of the artist and illustrator Trevor Mitchell.
Thank you for visiting my site, I appreciate your interest. If you are looking to buy an original, commission work or license an image I will be very pleased to talk to you, please select my contact details from the menu bar above.
If you would like to purchase an art print, please select from the Products tab in the the menu bar above to view my range.
If you are looking for a jigsaw puzzle, calendar, metal sign or any of the variety of products that feature my art work then please select from the products menu to open the guide to the publishers and manufacturers I work with.
If you are here for image licensing, my image bank is divided into themes and subject matter to make your search easier. I hope you find something that meets your requirements, if you do please contact me to find out if the image you want is currently available to license and if it is, to arrange terms.
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