
To purchase originals please contact me directly on 07809 573984 or by using the contact link above. The prices displayed are for the unframed canvas and include postage to addresses within the UK. All cavases are on stretchers ready to fit into a frame if you can have that done locally. A framing service is available if you would like to receive your painting framed and ready to hang on your wall, I will be happy to give you a quote and help choose a suitable frame. 

Payment can be made by bank transfer, cash or cheque. A monthly payment plan can be agreed with customers wishing to pay in installments. Shown below are some of the originals currently available.

The sale of these artworks does not include any transfer of copyright or license to reproduce the picture for profit. A full explanation of copyright law is given at the foot of this page.


Filling Up was the first of the four scenes I painted for the 2024 Gibsons 4 puzzle box set Day Trip to Arundel and and shows a family purchasing petrol and sweets at a village garage. Their car is a Morris 1100, Britain’s best selling car from 1963 to 66 and again from 1968 to 71. Built by the... Read more

Arriving In Arundel

The castle looms above the historic town centre as tourists and day trippers arrive to enjoy the West Sussex market town on a sunny summer day in the 1960s. 20x27 inch oil on canvas, £495 unframed.

Autumn On Derwent Water

Heather cloaks the Catbells in purple and autumn colours are reflected on Derwent Water, as visitors enjoy a trip on the lake or feed the ducks at Keswick Launch in this nostalgic 1960s scene. 22x30 inch oil on canvas, £495 unframed.

Castle Gardens, Arundel

Day trippers and tourists enjoy the gardens below Arundel Castle. 20x27 inch oil on canvas, £295 unframed.

Spring at Yew Tree Farm

The famous Herdwick sheep of the Lake District tend to their new-born lambs in a field above this iconic farm saved for the National Trust in 1930 by Beatrix Potter, or Mrs Heelis as she was known locally.


Picnic by Swanbourne Lake

Out family of day trippers enjoy a picnic by the lake, before visiting Arundel Castle just visible in the distance. 22x30 inch oil on canvas, £295 unframed.


Another from the Heritage Railway series, this painting is set on Horsted Keynes station during The Bluebell Railway’s Edwardian Weekend.

It measures 18x24 inches and is priced at £395 for the unframed canvas. 

Wish you were here

Painted for Gibson’s 2022 four puzzle box set, this set of illustrations follows a family on a 1960s seaside holiday. Period details include saucy postcards on sale along with some vintage buckets & spades and other essentials for a fun day on the beach. As this was the era of the holiday... Read more


Commissioned by Jumbo for a Falcon de Luxe jigsaw puzzle, this 1960s scene measures 18 x 24 inches and can be yours for £395. 

The School Play

Painted for the 2023 Gibsons 4 puzzle box set School Days, this amusing recollection of end of term school plays is painted in oil on a 20x27 inch canvas and is offered at just £250 unframed.


Painted for Gibson’s 2021 four puzzle box set, this set of illustrations follows a florist as she loads her van and delivers a bouquet for a new mum, arranges some wedding flowers and a special display for a surprise 21st birthday party. Four oil on canvas artworks each measuring 20 x 27 inches... Read more


18 x 24 inch oil on canvas, £295.

The Hairdresser

The Hairdresser
18x24 inch oil on canvas, £295.

The Fireman

The Fireman
18x24 inch oil on canvas, £295.


20 x 27 inch oil on canvas, £395.


Commissioned by Jumbo for a Falcon de Luxe jigsaw puzzle, this 1960s scene measures 22 x 30 inches and is offered at £295.

Village Celebrations

Painted for Gibsons 2019 four puzzle box set, this collection of oil paintings depicts a village celebrating May Day, Harvest Festival, Bonfire Night and Christmas. Each picture measure 20 x 27 inches. £995 for the set of four. Price includes post & packing of the unframed canvases. A... Read more

The Builder

The Builder
18x24 inch oil on canvas, £295.

The Law on Copyright

When someone buys a painting, they only own the painting - not the copyright. The painting becomes their property but the copyright remains with the artist. Buying a painting does not buy the right to reproduce it or profit from it in any way. The artist does not need to ask the owner of the original for permission to reproduce or license his work. After the death of the artist, the copyright transfers to his heirs and is theirs for 50 years before it passes into the public domain.